Preparing for Birth

Whilst you will have plenty of time to prepare for the arrival of your baby (or babies), the earlier you start, the better! I don’t mean that you have to go out and buy ALL OF THE THINGS! Babies don’t need much other than to be warm, dry, fed and cuddled. The most they will need in the first few days and weeks will be some clothes, nappies, wipes and somewhere safe for them to sleep.

What I mean by prepare is for you to feel confident and empowered about your birthing choices. To feel ready is different for different people, you might be super organised and have everything prepared weeks in advance, then again you might not, and that’s okay. Go with what “floats your boat”.

One thing I would recommend is that you look into relaxation techniques. I know, it sounds hocus pocus, but if you can practice relaxation techniques throughout your pregnancy and apply them during your birthing experience I promise you, you won’t regret it!

You can download an app called Insight Timer which gives various free relaxation playlists and guided meditations.

I’d also be tempted to look at birth affirmations too because they are great to repeat to yourself as a reminder of the powerful woman that you are!

Be confident, no matter how you choose to prepare for your birth and don’t worry about what your friends did, or your Mum, or your Sister, or your Mother in Law, they are not you and you can do this, in whichever way you want to.

The beauty of your pregnancy and birth is that it’s yours. Your goal should be to make it feel right for you. So, what do you do if your birth partner isn’t 100% on board with your choices? Find a birth partner who will 100& support you in your choices instead! I know that sounds harsh, and I don’t mean it to be, however, this is about you, your preferences and your autonomy over the choices that you have about YOUR body!

Your birth, whatever it may look like, whatever you choose it to be, will bring new life into the world, and there isn’t anything more amazing than that!

Click here for my free Pregnancy Workshop.

Click here for more information on preparing for birth with me.


The reason behind the name….